Best Papers Awards

Unleashing Excellence: The Hall of High Quality Research

Venue Year DOI Ext. Title Authors Affiliations Award
31th IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER) 2024 Web API change-proneness prediction Rediana Koçi, Xavier Franch, Petar Jovanovic, Alberto Abello Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Best Short Paper Award
19th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS) 2024 Automated Planning for Adaptive Cyber-Physical Systems under Uncertainty in Temporal Availability Constraints Raquel Sánchez, Javier Troya, Javier Cámara University of Málaga Best Student Paper Award
28th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) 2024 Give an Inch and Take a Mile? Effects of Adding Reliable Knowledge to Heuristic Feature Tracing Sandra Greiner, Alexander Schultheiß, Paul Maximilian Bittner, Thomas Thüm, Timo Kehrer University of Southern Denmark, University of Bern, Paderborn University Best Paper Award
28th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) 2024 Exploring the Use of Software Product Lines for the Combination of Machine Learning Models Marcos Gomez-Vazquez, Jordi Cabot Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, University of Luxembourg Best Demonstrations and Tools Paper Award
28th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) 2024 Development of a PLE Factory Environment with GitLab Integration and following ISO/IEC 26580 Alejandro Buján, Alejandro Cortiñas, Miguel Rodríguez Luaces Universidade da Coruña, Tools and Demos Audience Award
14th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE) 2023 Predicting the performance of ATL model transformations Raffaela Groner, Peter Bellmann, Stefan Höppner, Patrick Thiam, Friedhelm Schwenker, Matthias Tichy Ulm University Best Paper Award
23rd International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE) 2023 An empirical study of Web API versioning practices Souhaila Serbout, Cesare Pautasso Software Institute (USI) Best Paper Award
27th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) 2023 Feature-oriented Test Case Selection during Evolution of Highly-Configurable Systems Willian D. F. Mendonça, Wesley K. G. Assunção, Silvia R. Vergilio Federal University of Paraná, North Carolina State University Best Research Paper
27th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) 2023 UVLS: A Language Server Protocol For UVL Jacob Loth, Chico Sundermann, Tobias Schrull, Thilo Brugger, Felix Rieg, Thomas Thüm University of Ulm Best Demonstration and Tools Paper
25th International Workshop on Configuration (ConfWS) 2023 Visualization in Configurators: Reflections for Future Research Enrico Sandrin, Cipriano Forza University of Padova Best Paper Award
25th International Workshop on Configuration (ConfWS) 2023 Product Variant Master in the Construction Industry Irene Campo Gay, Lars Hvam Technical University of Denmark Best Student Paper Award
26th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS) 2023 Experience in specializing a generic realization language for SPL engineering at Airbus Damien Foures, Mathieu Acher, Olivier Barais, Benoit Combemale, Jean-Marc Jézéquel, Jörg Kienzle Airbus, Université Rennes, McGill University / University of Málaga ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award
26th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) 2022 Adaptive behavioral model learning for software product lines Shaghayegh Tavassoli, Carlos Diego N. Damasceno, Ramtin Khosravi, Mohammad Reza Mousavi University of Tehran, Radboud University Nijmegen, King's College London Best Research Paper Award
18th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA) 2022 Managing reputation in collaborative social computing applications Nathalie Moreno, Alejandro Pérez-Vereda, Antonio Vallecillo University of Málaga, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Best Paper Award
26th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) 2022 In three steps to software product lines Matthias Eggert, Karsten Günther, Jochen Maletschek, Alexandru Maxiniuc, Alexander Mann-Wahrenberg Rhine-Main-Team (RMT) Marquardt GmbH Industry Best Paper Award
26th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) 2022 Derivation of subset product lines in FeatureIDE Lukas Linsbauer, Paul Westphal, Paul Maximilian Bittner, Sebastian Krieter, Thomas Thüm, Ina Schaefer TU Braunschweig, University of Ulm, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Demo Best Paper Award
16th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) 2022 From Informal Architecture Diagrams to Flexible Blended Models Robbert Jongeling, Federico Ciccozzi, Antonio Cicchetti, Jan Carlson Mälardalen University Best Paper Award
24th International Workshop on Configuration (ConfWS) @ SPLC 2022 Interactive feature modeling with background knowledge for validation and configuration Simon Vandevelde, Benjamin Callewaert, Joost Vennekens KU Leuven Best Student Paper Award
24th International Workshop on Configuration (ConfWS) @ SPLC 2022 Iterative constraint reasoning: dynamic constraint reasoning in time space Lothar Hotz, Rainer Herzog, Stephanie von Riegen Universität Hamburg Best Paper Award
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 2022 Machine Learning Testing: Survey, Landscapes and Horizons Jie M. Zhang, Mark Harman, Lei Ma, Yang Liu University College London, Kyushu University, Nanyang Technological University 2022 IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering Best Paper Award
20th International Conference on Software and Systems Reuse (ICSR) 2022 Scratching the surface of ./configure: Learning the effects of compile-time options on binary size and gadgets Xhevahire Tërnava, Mathieu Acher, Luc Lesoil, Arnaud Blouin, Jean-Marc Jézéquel Université Rennes, Institut Universitaire de France Best Paper Award
25th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) 2021 Monte Carlo tree search for feature model analyses: a general framework for decision-making José Miguel Horcas, José A. Galindo, Ruben Heradio, David Fernandez-Amoros, David Benavides University of Seville, National Distance Education University (UNED) Best Research Paper Award
23rd International Workshop on Configuration (ConfWS) 2021 Monte Carlo simulations for variability analyses in highly configurable systems José Miguel Horcas, A. Germán Márquez, José A. Galindo, David Benavides University of Seville Best Paper Award
25th ACM International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) 2021 A comparison of performance specialization learning for configurable systems Hugo Martin, Mathieu Acher, Juliana Alves Pereira, Jean-Marc Jézéquel Université Rennes, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro Best Research Paper Award
23rd International Workshop on Configuration (ConfWS) 2021 Integrating sustainability information in configurators Robin Wiezorek, Noemi Christensen CAS Software AG Best Student Paper Award
25th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC) 2021 Introducing subjective knowledge graphs Francisco J. Navarrete, Antonio Vallecillo Junta de Andalucía, University of Málaga Best Paper Award
21st European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization (EvoCOP) @ EvoStar 2021 Hybridization of racing methods with evolutionary operators for simulation optimization of traffic lights programs Christian Cintrano, Javier Ferrer, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Enrique Alba University of Málaga Best Paper Award
16th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS) @ ICSE 2021 Hey! Preparing humans to do tasks in self-adaptive systems Nianyu Li, Javier Cámara, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl, Zhi Jin Peking University, University of York, Carnegie Mellon University Best Student Paper Award
43rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2021 Synthesizing object state transformers for dynamic software updates Zelin Zhao, Yanyan Jiang, Chang Xu, Tianxiao Gu, Xiaoxing Ma Nanjing University, Alibaba Group ACM Europe Council Best Paper Award
24th ACM Conference on Systems and Software Product Line (SPLC) 2020 Requirements-driven configuration of emergency response missions with small aerial vehicles Jane Cleland-Huang, Ankit Agrawal, Md Nafee Al Islam, Eric Tsai, Maxime Van Speybroeck, Michael Vierhauser University of Notre Dame, University of Namur, Johannes Kepler University Linz Best Paper Award
22nd International Workshop on Configuration (ConfWS) 2020 A development approach towards user-centered front-ends for knowledge-based engineering configurators: a study within planning of robot-based automation solutions Eike Schäffer, Sara Shafiee, Tobias Frühwald, Jörg Franke Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg Best Paper 2020
23rd European Conference on Applications of Evolutionary Computation (EvoApplications) @ EvoStar 2020 Testing hybrid computational intelligence algorithms for general game playing Ariel Eduardo Vázquez-Núñez, Antonio José Fernández Leiva, Pablo García-Sánchez, Antonio Miguel Mora University of Málaga, University of Cádiz, University of Granada Best Paper Award
14th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) - Tool Demos Track 2020 Voyager: Software architecture trade-off explorer Jason Mashinchi, Javier Cámara University of York Best Tool Demo Award
13th International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT) @ STAF 2020 Graph consistency as a graduated property - consistency-sustaining and - improving graph transformations Jens Kosiol, Daniel Strüber, Gabriele Taentzer, Steffen Zschaler Philipps-Universität Marburg, Radboud University, King's College London EASST Best Software Science Paper
28th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE) 2020 Theory as a source of software requirements Ruzanna Chitchyan, Caroline Bird University of Bristol Best Paper Award
14th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) 2020 Decentralized architecture for energy-aware service assembly Mauro Caporuscio, Mirko D’Angelo, Vincenzo Grassi, Raffaela Mirandola Linnaeus University, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Politecnico di Milano Best Paper Award
19th International Conference on Software and Systems Reuse (ICSR) 2020 Reusable formal models for threat specification, detection, and treatment Quentin Rouland, Brahim Hamid, Jason Jaskolka University of Toulouse, Carleton University Best Paper Award
11th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE) 2020 Sampling effect on performance prediction of configurable systems: A case study Juliana Alves Pereira, Mathieu Acher, Hugo Martin, Jean-Marc Jézéquel Université Rennes Best Paper Award
The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) - Evolutionary Combinatorial Optimization and Metaheuristics track 2020 Golden parameter search: exploiting structure to quickly configure parameters in parallel Yasha Pushak, Holger H. Hoos The University of British Columbia, Universiteit Leiden Best Paper Award
19th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization (EvoCOP) 2019 Quasi-optimal recombination operator Francisco Chicano, Gabriela Ochoa, Darrell Whitley, Renato Tinós University of Málaga, University of Stirling, Colorado State University, University of Sao Paulo Best Paper Award
15th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA) 2019 Trading accuracy for performance in data processing applications Gala Barquero, Javier Troya, Antonio Vallecillo University of Málaga, University of Seville Best Foundation Track Paper
15th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA) 2019 Lightweight consistency checking for agile model-based development in practice Robbert Jongeling, Federico Ciccozzi, Antonio Cicchetti, Jan Carlson Mälardalen University Best Application Track Paper
23rd International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) 2019 DNA as Features Mikaela Cashman, Justin Firestone, Myra B. Cohen, Thammasak Thianniwet, Wei Niu Iowa State University, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Suranaree University of Technology Best Student Paper Award
23rd International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) 2019 Static analysis of featured transition systems Maurice H. ter Beek, Ferruccio Damiani, Michael Lienhardt, Franco Mazzanti, Luca Paolini ISTI-CNR, University of Turin, ONERA Best Paper Award
21st International Workshop on Configuration (ConfWS) 2019 Constraint solver requirements for interactive configuration Andreas Falkner, Alois Haselböck, Gerfried Krames, Gottfried Schenner, Richard Taupe Siemens AG Österreich, Best Paper Award
17th International Conference on Intelligent Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques (SoMeT) 2018 Model driven evolution of an agent-based home energy management system Inmaculada Ayala, Mercedes Amor, José Miguel Horcas, Lidia Fuentes University of Málaga Award for a Best Paper
25th International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering (ISTE) 2018 Glencoe – A Tool for Specification, Visualization and Formal Analysis of Product Lines Anna Schmitt, Christian Bettinger, Georg Rock Trier University of Applied Sciences Best Paper Award
20th International Workshop on Configuration (ConfWS) 2018 Liquid Democracy in Group-based Configuration Müslüm Atas, Thi Ngoc Trang Tran, Ralph Samer, Alexander Felfernig, Martin Stettinger, Davide Fucci Graz University of Technology Best Paper Award
21th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS) 2018 Expressing confidence in models and in model transformation elements Loli Burgueño, Manuel F. Bertoa, Nathalie Moreno, Antonio Vallecillo University of Málaga Best Paper Award
The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) - Evolutionary Combinatorial Optimization and Metaheuristics track 2018 Enhancing partition crossover with articulation points analysis Francisco Chicano, Gabriela Ochoa, Darrell Whitley, Renato Tinós University of Málaga, University of Stirling, Colorado State University, University of São Paulo Best Paper Award
The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) - Genetic Algorithms track 2018 Tunneling between plateaus: improving on a state-of-the-art MAXSAT solver using partition crossover Wenxiang Chen, Darrell Whitley, Renato Tinós, Francisco Chicano Colorado State University, University of São Paulo, University of Málaga Best Paper Award
20th International Workshop on Configuration (ConfWS) 2018 Group decision support for requirements management processes Ralph Samer, Müslüm Atas, Alexander Felfernig, Martin Stettinger, Andreas A. Falkner, Gottfried Schenner Graz University of Technology, Siemens AG SIEMENS Student Best Paper Award
22nd International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) 2018 Identifying the intensity of variability changes in software product line evolution Christian Kröher, Lea Gerling, Klaus Schmid University of Hildesheim Best Paper Award
21st International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) - Data, Demonstrations and Tools track 2017 Extending the Common Variability Language (CVL) engine: A practical tool José Miguel Horcas, Mónica Pinto, Lidia Fuentes University of Málaga Hitachi Young Best Paper Award
29th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE) 2017 Knowledge-based learning content generation in the STUDYBATTLES environment Amal Shehadeh, Alexander Felfernig, Michael Jeran, Martin Stettinger, Stefan Reiterer Graz University of Technology, SelectionArts GmbH Best Paper Award
19th International Configuration Workshop (ConfWS) 2017 Configuration and response to calls for tenders: an open bid configuration model Delphine Guillon, Abdourahim Sylla, Élise Vareilles, Michel Aldanondo, Eric Villeneuve, Christophe Merlo, Thierry Coudert, Laurent Geneste IMT Mines Albi-Carmaux, ESTIA, ENI Tarbes Best Student Paper Award
International Conference in Energy and Sustainability in Small Developing Economies (ES2DE) 2017 HADAS and web services: Eco-efficiency assistant and repository use case evaluation Daniel Jesús Munoz, Mónica Pinto, Lidia Fuentes University of Málaga Best Student Paper Award
11th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) 2017 Synthesis and quantitative verification of tradeoff spaces for families of software systems Javier Cámara, David Garlan, Bradley Schmerl Carnegie Mellon University Best Paper Award
10th International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT) @ STAF 2017 Granularity of conflicts and dependencies in graph transformation systems Kristopher Born, Leen Lambers, Daniel Strüber, Gabriele Taentzer Philipps-Universität Marburg, Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Universität Koblenz-Landau Best Paper Award
17th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization (EvoCOP) 2017 Understanding phase transitions with local optima networks: Number partitioning as a case study Gabriela Ochoa, Nadarajen Veerapen, Fabio Daolio, Marco Tomassini University of Stirling, University of Lausanne Best Paper Award
21st International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) 2017 Modeling and testing product lines with unbounded parametric real-time constraints Lars Luthmann, Andreas Stephan, Johannes Bürdek, Malte Lochau Real-Time Systems Lab Best Paper Award
21st International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) - Research track 2017 Variability mining of technical architectures David Wille, Kenny Wehling, Christoph Seidl, Martin Pluchator, Ina Schaefer TU Braunschweig, Volkswagen AG Hitachi Young Best Paper Award
21st International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) - Industrial Systems and Software Product Lines track 2017 Product line engineering of monitoring functionality in industrial cyber-physical systems Aitziber Iglesias, Hong Lu, Cristóbal Arellano, Tao Yue, Shaukat Ali, Goiuria Sagardui IK4-Ikerlan Research Center, Simula Research Laboratory, Mondragon Unibertsitatea Hitachi Young Best Paper Award
19th International Configuration Workshop (ConfWS) 2017 Techniques for solving large-scale product configuration problems with ASP Gottfried Schenner, Richard Taupe Siemens AG Österreich, Alpen-Adria-Universität Best Paper Award
14th German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies (MATES) 2016 Using models at runtime to adapt self-managed agents for the IoT Inmaculada Ayala, José Miguel Horcas, Mercedes Amor, Lidia Fuentes University of Málaga Best Paper Award
15th International Conference on Modularity 2016 The expression problem, trivially! Yanlin Wang, Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira University of Hong Kong Best Research Paper Award
15th International Conference on Modularity 2016 Modular architecture for code and metadata sharing Tomas Tauber, Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira University of Hong Kong Best Visions Paper Award
18th International Configuration Workshop (ConfWS) 2016 Recommendation for product configuration: an experimental evaluation Hélène Fargier, Pierre-François Gimenez, Jérôme Mengin University of Toulouse Best Paper Award
The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) - Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization track 2016 A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on parallel coordinates Raquel Hernández Gómez, Carlos A. Coello Coello, Enrique Alba Torres CINVESTAV-IPN, University of Málaga Best Paper Award
8th International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS) 2016 Optimal allocation of public parking slots using evolutionary algorithms Javier Arellano Verdejo, Enrique Alba University of Málaga Best Paper Award
9th International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT) @ STAF 2016 A tool environment for managing families of model transformation rules Daniel Strüber, Stefan Schulz Philipps-Universität Marburg Best Software Science Paper
9th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Model Transformations (ICMT) @ STAF 2016 Clone detection for graph-based model transformation languages Daniel Strüber, Jennifer Plöger, Vlad Acreţoaie Philipps-Universität Marburg, Technical University of Denmark Best Paper Award
16th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization (EvoCOP) 2016 Deconstructing the Big Valley search space hypothesis Gabriela Ochoa, Nadarajen Veerapen University of Stirling Best Paper Award
20th International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) 2016 A mathematical model of performance-relevant feature interactions Yi Zhang, Jianmei Guo, Eric Blais, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Huiqun Yu University of Waterloo, East China University of Science and Technology Best Paper Award
17th International Configuration Workshop (ConfWS) 2015 Column oriented compilation of variant tables Albert Haag SAP SE Best Paper Award
14th International Conference on Modularity 2015 Feature scattering in the large: a longitudinal study of Linux kernel device drivers Leonardo Passos, Jesús Padilla, Thorsten Berger, Sven Apel, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Marco Tulio Valente University of Waterloo, University of Passau, Federal University of Minas Gerais Best Paper Award
23rd International Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP) 2015 Counteracting anchoring effects in group decision making Martin Stettinger, Alexander Felfernig, Gerhard Leitner, Stefan Reiterer Graz University of Technology, UniversitätsstraßE James Chen Best Student Paper Award
18th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS) 2015 Employing classifying terms for testing model transformations Martin Gogolla, Antonio Vallecillo, Loli Burgueno, Frank Hilken University of Bremen, University of Málaga Best Paper Award
19th International Conference on Software Product Line (SPLC) 2015 SAT-based analysis of large real-world feature models is easy Jia Hui Liang, Vijay Ganesh, Krzysztof Czarnecki, Venkatesh Raman University of Waterloo, Institute of Mathematical Sciences Best Paper Award
13th International Conference on Modularity 2014 Assessing modularity using co-change clusters Luciana Lourdes Silva, Marco Tulio Valente, Marcelo de A. Maia Federal University of Minas Gerais, Federal University of Uberlândia Best Paper Award
18th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) 2014 Comprehensibility of orthogonal variability modeling languages Iris Reinhartz-Berger, Kathrin Figl University of Haifa, Institute for Information Systems & New Media Best Paper Award in the Research Track
18th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) 2014 Customizing domain analysis for assessing the reuse potential of industrial software systems Dominik Domis, Stephan Sehestedt, Thomas Gamer, Markus Aleksy, Heiko Koziolek ABB Corporate Research Germany Best Paper Award in the Industry Track
12th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) 2013 Reactive behavior in object-oriented applications: an analysis and a research roadmap Guido Salvaneschi, Mira Mezini Technische Universität Darmstadt Best Paper Award
17th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR) 2013 An exploratory study of cloning in industrial software product lines Yael Dubinsky, Julia Rubin, Thorsten Berger, Slawomir Duszynski, Martin Becker, Krzysztof Czarnecki IBM Research in Haifa, University of Toronto, IT University of Copenhagen, University of Leipzig, Fraunhofer IESE, University of Waterloo Best Paper Award
17th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) 2013 Generating counterexamples of model-based software product lines João Bosco Ferreira Filho, Olivier Barais, Mathieu Acher, Benoit Baudry, Jérôme Le Noir INRIA and IRISA Université Rennes 1, INRIA and SIMULA RESEARCH LAB, Thales Research & Technology Best Student Paper Award
17th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) 2013 Experiences from identifying software reuse opportunities by domain analysis Heiko Koziolek, Thomas Goldschmidt, Thijmen de Gooijer, Dominik Domis, Stephan Sehestedt ABB Corporate Research Germany Best Industry Paper Award
11th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) 2012 DiSL: a domain-specific language for bytecode instrumentation Lukáš Marek, Alex Villazón, Yudi Zheng, Danilo Ansaloni, Walter Binder, Zhengwei Qi Charles University, Universidad Privada Boliviana, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, University of Lugano Most Influential Paper Award (Programming 2022)
11th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) 2012 A fine-grained debugger for aspect-oriented programming Haihan Yin, Christoph Bockisch, Mehmet Aksit University of Twente Best Paper Award
12th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization (EvoCOP) 2012 Exact computation of the fitness-distance correlation for pseudoboolean functions with one global optimum Francisco Chicano, Enrique Alba University of Málaga Best Paper Award
12th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR) 2011 Software product line evolution with cardinality-based feature models Nadia Gámez, Lidia Fuentes University of Málaga Best Paper Award
10th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) 2011 Reducing combinatorics in testing product lines Chang Hwan Peter Kim, Don S. Batory, Sarfraz Khurshid University of Texas at Austin Most Influential Paper Award (Programming 2021)
11th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA) 2011 On the scalability of multi-objective metaheuristics for the software scheduling problem Francisco Luna, David L. Gonzalez-Alvarez, Francisco Chicano, Miguel A. Vega-Rodriguez University of Málaga, University of Extremadura Best Paper Award
7th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications (ECMFA) 2011 Tractable model transformation testing Martin Gogolla, Antonio Vallecillo University of Bremen, University of Málaga Most Influential Paper Award (ECMFA 2021)
XVI Jornadas de Ingeniería del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD) 2011 Diseño y simulación de un sistema de colas con e-Motions José M. Bautista, Javier Troya, Antonio Vallecillo University of Málaga Best Paper Award
33rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2011 A practical guide for using statistical tests to assess randomized algorithms in software engineering Andrea Arcuri, Lionel Briand Simula Research Laboratory, University of Oslo Most Influential Paper Award (ICSE 2021)
9th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) 2010 Execution levels for aspect-oriented programming Éric Tanter University of Chile Best Paper Award, Most Influential Paper Award (Programming 2021)
3rd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Model Transformations (ICMT@TOOLS) 2010 Towards a rewriting logic semantics for ATL Javier Troya, Antonio Vallecillo University of Málaga Best Paper Award
32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2010 Model checking lots of systems: efficient verification of temporal properties in software product lines Andreas Classen, Patrick Heymans, Pierre-Yves Schobbens, Axel Legay, Jean-François Raskin University of Namur, IRISA/INRIA Rennes, Université Libre de Bruxelles Most Influential Paper Award (SPLC 2020)
14th International Conference on Software Product Lines: Going Beyond (SPLC) 2010 Delta-Oriented Programming of Software Product Lines Ina Schaefer, Lorenzo Bettini, Viviana Bono, Ferruccio Damiani, Nico Tanzarella Chalmers University of Technology, Università di Torino Most Influential Paper Award (SPLC 2022)
3rd International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST) 2010 Automated and scalable T-wise test case generation strategies for software product lines Gilles Perrouin, Sagar Sen, Jacques Klein, Benoit Baudry, Yves le Traon University of Luxembourg, IRISA/INRIA Rennes Bretagne Atlantique, CRP Gabriel Lippmann Most Influential Paper Award (SPLC 2024)
8th ACM International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) 2009 Can we refactor conditional compilation into aspects? Bram Adams, Wolfgang De Meuter, Herman Tromp, Ahmed E. Hassan Queen's University, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Ghent University Most Influential Paper Award (Programming 2019)
6th European Workshop on the application of Nature-inspired techniques for Telecommunication Networks and Other Parallel and Distributed Systems (EvoCOMNET) @ Applications of Evolutionary Computing - EvoWorkshops 2009 Location discovery in wireless sensor networks using a two-stage simulated annealing Guillermo Molina, Enrique Alba University of Málaga Best Paper Award
31st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2009 Reasoning about edits to feature models Thomas Thüm, Don S. Batory, Christian Kästner University of Magdeburg, University of Texas Most Influential Paper Award (SPLC 2023)
7th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) 2008 Expressive scoping of dynamically-deployed aspects Éric Tanter University of Chile Most Influential Paper Award (Programming 2018)
12th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC) 2008 Automated diagnosis of product-line configuration errors in feature models Jules White, Douglas C. Schmidt, David Benavides, Pablo Trinidad, Antonio Ruiz Cortés Vanderbilt University, University of Seville Best Paper Award
The Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO) - Search-Based Software Engineering track 2008 Searching for liveness property violations in concurrent systems with ACO Enrique Alba, Francisco Chicano University of Málaga Best Paper Award
1st International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE) 2008 Analyzing rule-based behavioral semantics of visual modeling languages with Maude José Eduardo Rivera, Esther Guerra, Juan de Lara, Antonio Vallecillo University of Málaga, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Most Influential Paper Award (SLE 2018)
30th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2008 Granularity in software product lines Christian Kästner, Sven Apel, Martin Kuhlemann University of Magdeburg, University of Passau, Most Influential Paper Award (SPLC 2019)
3rd European Conference on Model Driven Architecture - Foundations and Applications (ECMDA-FA) 2007 Execution of aspect oriented UML models Lidia Fuentes, Pablo Sánchez University of Málaga Best Paper Award
1st International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems (VaMoS) 2007 FAMA: Tooling a framework for the automated analysis of feature models David Benavides, Sergio Segura, Pablo Trinidad, Antonio Ruiz Cortés University of Seville Most Influential Paper Award (VaMoS 2020)
6th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) 2007 Using natural language program analysis to locate and understand action-oriented concerns David Shepherd, Zachary P. Fry, Emily Hill, Lori Pollock, K. Vijay-Shanker University of Delaware Most Influential Paper Award (Programming 2017)
7th European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization (EvoCOP) 2007 Evolutionary algorithms for real-world instances of the automatic frequency planning problem in GSM networks Francisco Luna, Enrique Alba, Antonio J. Nebro, Salvador Pedraza University of Málaga, Optimi Corp. Best Paper Award
11th International Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Modeling @ MoDELS 2007 Reusable Aspect Models Jacques Klein, Jörg Kienzle University of Luxembourg, McGill University Best Paper
5th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) 2006 A join point for loops in AspectJ Bruno Harbulot, John R. Gurd The University of Manchester Most Influential Paper Award (Modularity 2016)
9th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN) 2006 Theory and practice of cellular UMDA for discrete optimization Enrique Alba, Julio Madera, Bernabé Dorronsoro Díaz, Carlos Alberto Ochoa Ortíz Zezzatti, Marta Soto University of Málaga, Camagüey University, "The Institute of Cybernetics, Mathematics and Physics" Best Poster Award
9th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN) 2006 Assortative mating drastically alters the magnitude of error thresholds Gabriela Ochoa, Klaus Jaffe INRIA – COMPLEX Team, Universidad Simón Bolívar Best Paper Award
4th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) 2005 Mylar: a degree-of-interest model for IDEs Mik Kersten, Gail C. Murphy University of British Columbia Most Influential Paper Award (Modularity 2015)
17th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE) 2005 Automated reasoning on feature models David Benavides, Pablo Trinidad, Antonio Ruiz Cortés University of Seville Most Influential Paper Award (SPLC 2017)
5th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE) 2005 A model-based approach for integrating third party systems with web applications Nathalie Moreno, Antonio Vallecillo University of Málaga Best Paper Award
10th international workshop on Formal methods for industrial critical systems (FMICS) 2005 Model checking software with well-defined APIs Pedro de la Cámara, María del Mar Gallardo, Pedro Merino, David Sanán University of Málaga EASST Best Paper Award
9th International Conference on Software Product Lines (SPLC) 2005 Feature models, grammars, and propositional formulas Don S. Batory University of Texas Test of Time Award (SPLC 2017)
3rd International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) 2004 Advice weaving in AspectJ Erik Hilsdale, Jim Hugunin PARC, Want of a Nail Software Most Influential Paper Award (Modularity 2014)
3rd International Conference on Software Product Lines (SPLC) 2004 Staged configuration using feature models Krzysztof Czarnecki, Simon Helsen, Ulrich Eisenecker University of Waterloo, University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern Most Influential Paper Award (SPLC 2017)
2nd International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) 2003 Modularisation and composition of aspectual requirements Awais Rashid, Ana Moreira, Joāo Araújo Lancaster University Lancaster, FCT Most Influential Paper Award (AOSD 2013)
1st International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development (AOSD) 2002 Dynamic weaving for aspect-oriented programming Andrei Popovici, Thomas Gross, Gustavo Alonso Swiss Federal Institut of Technology Zürich Most Influential Paper Award (AOSD 2012)
5th Ada-Europe International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies 2000 Object-oriented programming and protected objects in Ada 95 Andy J. Wellings, Bob Johnson, Bo Sanden, Jörg Kienzle, Thomas Wolf, Stephen Michell University of York, Colorado Technical University, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Maurya Software Best Paper
14th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) 1999 Evolving object-oriented designs with refactorings Lance Tokuda, Don S. Batory University of Texas Most Influential Paper Award (ASE 2013)
5th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR) 1998 Web-advertised generators and design wizards Don S. Batory, Gang Chen, Eric Robertson, Tao Wang University of Texas Best Paper Award
11th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP) 1997 Feature-oriented programming: A fresh look at objects Christian Prehofer Technische Universität München Most Influential Paper Award (SPLC 2018)
Symposium on Software Reusability (SSR) @ ICSE 1995 Creating reference architectures: an example from avionics Don S. Batory, Lou Coglianese, Mark Goodwin, Steve Shafer University of Texas, Loral Federal Systems Company Best Paper Award
6th Annual Workshop on Software Reuse (WISR) 1993 P++: A language for large-scale reusable software components Vivek Singhal, Don S. Batory University of Texas Best Paper Award
International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD) 1985 Modeling concepts for VLSI CAD objects Don S. Batory, Won Kim University of Texas, Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation Best Paper Award
4th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB) 1978 On searching transposed files Don S. Batory University of Toronto Best Paper Award
Venue Year DOI Ext. Title Authors Affiliations Award